Ballet 4 You – A Ballet Inspired movement experience for women diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) or early stage Alzheimer’s Disease.
Lisa Purchas, dancer and educator, has created ‘BALLET 4 YOU’ as an exercise programme designed to help women with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), or early stage Alzheimer’s Disease to focus on balance, strength, postural improvement and the use of the brain and body in simple cross-lateral sequences.
‘BALLET 4 YOU’ is in response to substantial research findings that endorse positive connections between music, and movements that slowly and repetitively engage the brain and body in a way that improves executive function and movement and creates a feeling of well-being.
Classes are tailored specifically for each individual and are conducted privately. Each 45 minute class, suitable for all ages, is a gentle and uplifting exercise programme designed to engage both sides of the body and brain.
Classical music is included to accompany the ballet exercises and we compile a unique playlist for each student that includes songs and pieces of music that are familiar to them. This activates good memories, helping each student to feel more relaxed and confident.
Having lost her Mother to Alzheimer’s in 2016, Lisa has a special empathy with those experiencing Alzheimer’s and their carers. “My Mother would have benefitted profoundly from such a programme had I been able to develop it in time for her”.
With over 50 million people worldwide now living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, we have not wasted time in uploading our unique exercises from our Ballet 4 You – Ballet 4 Alzheimer’s programme online to our dedicated YouTube channel – Ballet 4 You -Ballet 4 Alzheimers.
Participants and their carers all over the world can now access our ballet inspired exercise programme through their laptop, notebook, smart phone, television, PC or tablet, free of charge and at any time of day. We continue to upload our beautifully presented videos as they become fully sponsored. If you would like to sponsor our worthwhile online project please visit our website www.ballet4you.com.
Welcome to ‘BALLET 4 YOU’, our medium through which we express and communicate our thoughts and ideas through movement to music in a way that uplifts us, nourishes the soul and energises our every breath.